FILE TO DB - Fixed Length 예제
FILE TO DB - Delimiter 예제 와 다른 점은 Job 설정, Reader설정, DTO 파일만 다르므로 이 두파일 만 작성 후 실행
FileFixedLengthToDbJob.xml 작성
- Job 설정
- Reader 설정
- Writer 설정은 FILE TO DB - Delimiter 예제 와 동일
▩ Job ID 설정
<job id="fileFixedLengthToDbJob" xmlns=""> <step id="step1"> <tasklet> <chunk reader="fileFixedLengthToDbReader" writer="fileFixedLengthToDbWriter" commit-interval="1000"/> </tasklet> </step> </job>
▩ Reader 설정
<bean id="fileFixedLengthToDbReader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReader" scope="step">
<property name="resource" value="file:{파일경로}\fifa_ranking_fixed_length.csv" /> <property name="lineMapper"> <bean class="egovframework.rte.bat.core.item.file.mapping.EgovDefaultLineMapper"> <property name="lineTokenizer"> <bean class="egovframework.rte.bat.core.item.file.transform.EgovFixedLengthTokenizer"> <property name="columns" value="1,11,42,52,62,72,82,92,102,112,122,132,142,152,162,172"/> </bean> </property> <property name="objectMapper"> <bean class="egovframework.rte.bat.core.item.file.mapping.EgovObjectMapper"> <property name="type" value="com.batchguide.dto.FifaRankingDTO" /> <property name="names" value="rank,country_full,country_abrv,total_points,previous_points,rank_change,cur_year_avg, cur_year_avg_weighted,last_year_avg,last_year_avg_weighted,two_year_ago_avg,two_year_ago_weighted,three_year_ago_avg, three_year_ago_weighted,confederation,rank_date" /> </bean> </property> </bean> </property> </bean>
1.EgovFixedLengthTokenizer 클래스를 이용하여서 Fixed Length 파싱 처리
- Columns의 Value는 Tab으로 구분한 컬럼의 시작 위치를 의미
1 Germany GER 0 57 0
2.EgovObjectMapper 클래스를 이용하여 파싱결과를 DTO 클래스 맵핑 처리
▩ FifaRankingDTO 작성
package com.batchguide.dto; public class FifaRankingDTO { private String rank; private String rank_date; private String country_full; private String country_abrv; private double total_points; private int previous_points; private int rank_change; private double cur_year_avg; private double cur_year_avg_weighted; private double last_year_avg; private double last_year_avg_weighted; private double two_year_ago_avg; private double two_year_ago_weighted; private double three_year_ago_avg; private double three_year_ago_weighted; private String confederation; /** * @return the rank */ public String getRank() { return rank; } /** * @param rank the rank to set */ public void setRank(String rank) { this.rank = rank.trim(); } /** * @return the rank_date */ public String getRank_date() { return rank_date; } /** * @param rank_date the rank_date to set */ public void setRank_date(String rank_date) { this.rank_date = rank_date.replace("-", "").trim(); } /** * @return the country_full */ public String getCountry_full() { return country_full; } /** * @param country_full the country_full to set */ public void setCountry_full(String country_full) { this.country_full = country_full.trim(); } /** * @return the country_abrv */ public String getCountry_abrv() { return country_abrv; } /** * @param country_abrv the country_abrv to set */ public void setCountry_abrv(String country_abrv) { this.country_abrv = country_abrv.trim(); } /** * @return the total_points */ public double getTotal_points() { return total_points; } /** * @param total_points the total_points to set */ public void setTotal_points(double total_points) { this.total_points = total_points; } /** * @return the previous_points */ public int getPrevious_points() { return previous_points; } /** * @param previous_points the previous_points to set */ public void setPrevious_points(int previous_points) { this.previous_points = previous_points; } /** * @return the rank_change */ public int getRank_change() { return rank_change; } /** * @param rank_change the rank_change to set */ public void setRank_change(int rank_change) { this.rank_change = rank_change; } /** * @return the cur_year_avg */ public double getCur_year_avg() { return cur_year_avg; } /** * @param cur_year_avg the cur_year_avg to set */ public void setCur_year_avg(double cur_year_avg) { this.cur_year_avg = cur_year_avg; } /** * @return the cur_year_avg_weighted */ public double getCur_year_avg_weighted() { return cur_year_avg_weighted; } /** * @param cur_year_avg_weighted the cur_year_avg_weighted to set */ public void setCur_year_avg_weighted(double cur_year_avg_weighted) { this.cur_year_avg_weighted = cur_year_avg_weighted; } /** * @return the last_year_avg */ public double getLast_year_avg() { return last_year_avg; } /** * @param last_year_avg the last_year_avg to set */ public void setLast_year_avg(double last_year_avg) { this.last_year_avg = last_year_avg; } /** * @return the last_year_avg_weighted */ public double getLast_year_avg_weighted() { return last_year_avg_weighted; } /** * @param last_year_avg_weighted the last_year_avg_weighted to set */ public void setLast_year_avg_weighted(double last_year_avg_weighted) { this.last_year_avg_weighted = last_year_avg_weighted; } /** * @return the two_year_ago_avg */ public double getTwo_year_ago_avg() { return two_year_ago_avg; } /** * @param two_year_ago_avg the two_year_ago_avg to set */ public void setTwo_year_ago_avg(double two_year_ago_avg) { this.two_year_ago_avg = two_year_ago_avg; } /** * @return the two_year_ago_weighted */ public double getTwo_year_ago_weighted() { return two_year_ago_weighted; } /** * @param two_year_ago_weighted the two_year_ago_weighted to set */ public void setTwo_year_ago_weighted(double two_year_ago_weighted) { this.two_year_ago_weighted = two_year_ago_weighted; } /** * @return the three_year_ago_avg */ public double getThree_year_ago_avg() { return three_year_ago_avg; } /** * @param three_year_ago_avg the three_year_ago_avg to set */ public void setThree_year_ago_avg(double three_year_ago_avg) { this.three_year_ago_avg = three_year_ago_avg; } /** * @return the three_year_ago_weighted */ public double getThree_year_ago_weighted() { return three_year_ago_weighted; } /** * @param three_year_ago_weighted the three_year_ago_weighted to set */ public void setThree_year_ago_weighted(double three_year_ago_weighted) { this.three_year_ago_weighted = three_year_ago_weighted; } /** * @return the confederation */ public String getConfederation() { return confederation; } /** * @param confederation the confederation to set */ public void setConfederation(String confederation) { this.confederation = confederation; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "Ftd001VO [rank=" + rank + ", rank_date=" + rank_date + ", country_full=" + country_full + ", country_abrv=" + country_abrv + ", total_points=" + total_points + ", previous_points=" + previous_points + ", rank_change=" + rank_change + ", cur_year_avg=" + cur_year_avg + ", cur_year_avg_weighted=" + cur_year_avg_weighted + ", last_year_avg=" + last_year_avg + ", last_year_avg_weighted=" + last_year_avg_weighted + ", two_year_ago_avg=" + two_year_ago_avg + ", two_year_ago_weighted=" + two_year_ago_weighted + ", three_year_ago_avg=" + three_year_ago_avg + ", three_year_ago_weighted=" + three_year_ago_weighted + ", confederation=" + confederation + "]"; } }
Fixed Length 파싱 후 DTO 맵핑 시 불필요한 스페이스까지 파싱 처리 되므로 문자열의 경우 trim() 처리 하여준다.
▩ 전체설정파일
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <job id="fileFixedLengthToDbJob" xmlns=""> <step id="FileFixedLengthToDbStep"> <tasklet> <chunk reader="fileFixedLengthToDbReader" writer="fileFixedLengthToDbWriter" commit-interval="1000"/> </tasklet> </step> </job> <!-- READER 설정 --> <bean id="fileFixedLengthToDbReader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReader" scope="step"> <property name="resource" value="file:{파일경로}\fifa_ranking_fixed_length.csv" /> <property name="lineMapper"> <bean class="egovframework.rte.bat.core.item.file.mapping.EgovDefaultLineMapper"> <property name="lineTokenizer"> <bean class="egovframework.rte.bat.core.item.file.transform.EgovFixedLengthTokenizer"> <property name="columns" value="1,11,42,52,62,72,82,92,102,112,122,132,142,152,162,172"/> </bean> </property> <property name="objectMapper"> <bean class="egovframework.rte.bat.core.item.file.mapping.EgovObjectMapper"> <property name="type" value="com.batchguide.dto.FifaRankingDTO" /> <property name="names" value="rank,country_full,country_abrv,total_points,previous_points,rank_change,cur_year_avg, cur_year_avg_weighted,last_year_avg,last_year_avg_weighted,two_year_ago_avg,two_year_ago_weighted,three_year_ago_avg, three_year_ago_weighted,confederation,rank_date" /> </bean> </property> </bean> </property> </bean> <!-- WRITER 설정 --> <bean id="fileFixedLengthToDbWriter" class="org.mybatis.spring.batch.MyBatisBatchItemWriter"> <property name="statementId" value="insertFifaRanking" /> <property name="sqlSessionTemplate" ref="batchSqlSessionTemplate" /> </bean> </beans>
나머지 설정 및 실행 은 이전 예제 FILE TO DB - Delimiter 예제 와 동일